Sunday, March 6, 2011

Barbie Vacation Adventure - SNES

What could little girls possibly love more than Barbie? I mean, look at her sparkling personality and impressive intelligence. Or not. The fact is, this game is about Barbie taking a vacation around the country. I can't think of anything more exciting!

Before you take Barbie out on her vacation, you have the privilege of dressing her up. All you can really do is change the color of her skimpy outfit. Let's see. Do I want to dress Barbie in the hot pink mini skirt, or the green one? Choices, choices.

You can take Barbie to a few different states, doing boring things in every single one. My favorite had to be the camping trip in Wyoming. Barbie's got to hop across some tree stumps to get to the other side of a pond. If you fall off the stumps, which is a given, Barbie lands in some ankle deep water and starts complaining about how she needs to go back and dry off. Way to teach girls how to be all spoiled and high-maintenance, Barbie.

Next, Barbie heads to Iowa to attend a carnival run by hicks. As soon as you enter, you run into a pig, which proceeds to follow you. Barbie says, “Now I can play the carnival games!” Why the pig is a requirement to play a game, I'll never know. She should have turned the pig into a ham sandwich and went home, 'cause these carnival games suck.

Where are my %*$* presents?!
If Barbie does go home, she finds out her studly boyfriend, Ken, has thrown her a surprise party and hidden all of her presents around the house. You'll spend time in a mansion where everything is pink, looking for these crappy presents. If you find one, you'll have to guess what it is. There's not a penalty for guessing wrong, so what's the point?

I could go on about the rest of Barbie's vacation, but I really can't take anymore. All this pink is making my eyes bleed.

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